
Pre Primary

Pre Primary Program:

2 to 3 years

Offered at All Locations

“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.”

Pre Primary

At all our campuses, we love the “No!” attitude of Pre Primary and twos. That’s because it’s an assertion of autonomy that leads to a “yes” to new development opportunities like increased body control and expression of feelings. Only when children feel a sense of personal power (“I can affect things”) are they ready to move to the next critical task of realizing a sense of competence (“I can achieve things”). This is an important step out into the wider world as active learners and problem-solvers. Through competence, children develop genuine confidence and a sense of who they are in the world.

Like all learning environments at MSOSV, the Montessori-inspired space for Pre Primary is carefully planned to promote exploration, independence, order, and freedom of choice and movement. While it’s strategically organized with defined learning areas, it is open to allow plenty of room for social interaction and activities required for growth and development.

The Pre Primary curriculum provides for both individual and group activities in the following areas:

Practical Life — Exercises such as pouring, sweeping, dusting, buttoning, zipping, and table setting are introduced early, providing opportunities for children to care for themselves and their environment. Lessons of grace and courtesy are practiced daily to help Pre Primary learn about sharing and how to be considerate of others.

Aids to Independence — These exercises help the child gain independence and develop the powers of focus and concentration, along with fine and gross motor movement.

Manipulatives — Manipulative exercises are designed to facilitate hand-eye coordination, small muscle control, and spatial relationships.

Language — Pre Primary hood is a sensitive period for language. The materials in the MSOSV environment evoke a variety of words, while every experience throughout the day presents opportunities for children to incorporate new vocabulary. Children learn to use words and expand their growing vocabulary to express their feelings and needs. This is also the perfect time to provide a sequenced foundation of pre-reading skills. We present literacy activities during small group time as well as individual moments in comfy reading nooks, all to encourage a love of literature.

Peace — Peace lessons give Pre Primary the skills to work through anger and frustration in a positive way, while encouraging tolerance, cooperation, and respect for others.

Art and Garden — Pre Primary children experiment with many different art mediums and are encouraged to focus on the process, not the product. In our shady outdoor spaces that are a natural extension of the classroom, children can dig, rake, climb, and practice large muscle control. Outdoor environments allow freedom to explore and express.

Foreign Language and Music — Children acquire new languages most naturally at this age as all languages simply contribute to their word bank. During the Nido and Pre Primary phase of brain development, music is another “language” that stimulates mathematical ability and promotes vocabulary acquisition and speaking skills. From early exposure through our Music program, music appreciation and rhythm sense develop naturally.

Locations Offered


2495 Cabrillo Ave
Santa Clara, CA 95051
Phone: (408) 418-3568


1331 E Calaveras Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 945-1331


1651 N Milpitas Blvd
Milpitas, CA 95035
Phone: (408) 263-8170


17720 Peak Ave.
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: (408) 612-4325


4400 W State Hwy 29
Georgetown, TX 78628
Phone: (512) 948-7199

Program Photos